#UI Extensions

UI extensions expand the functionality of SillyTavern by hooking into its events and API. You can easily create your own extensions.

#Extension submissions

Want to contribute your extensions to the official repository? Contact us!

To ensure that all extensions are safe and easy to use, we have a few requirements:

  1. Your extension must be open-source and have a libre license (see Choose a License). If unsure, AGPLv3 is a good choice.
  2. Extensions must be compatible with the latest release version of SillyTavern. Please be ready to update your extension if something in the core changes.
  3. Extensions must be well-documented. This includes a README file with installation instructions, usage examples, and a list of features.
  4. Extensions that have a server plugin requirement to function will not be accepted.


See live examples of simple SillyTavern extensions:


Extensions can also utilize bundling to isolate themselves from the rest of the modules and use any dependencies from NPM, including UI frameworks like Vue, React, etc.

To use relative imports from the bundle, you may need to create an import wrapper. Here's an example for Webpack:

// define async function importFromScript(what) { const module = await import(/* webpackIgnore: true */'../../../../../script.js'); return module[what]; } // use const generateRaw = await importFromScript('generateRaw');


Every extension must have a folder in data/<user-handle>/extensions and have a manifest.json file which contains metadata about the extension and a path to a JS script file, which is the entry point of the extension.

{ "display_name": "The name of the extension", "loading_order": 1, "requires": [], "optional": [], "js": "index.js", "css": "style.css", "author": "Your name", "version": "1.0.0", "homePage": "https://github.com/your/extension", "auto_update": true, "i18n": { "de-de": "i18n/de-de.json" } }
  • display_name is required. Displays in the "Manage Extensions" menu.
  • loading_order is optional. Higher number loads later.
  • requires specifies the required Extras modules dependencies. An extension won't be loaded unless the connected Extras API provides all of them.
  • optional specifies the optional Extras dependencies.
  • js is the main JS file reference, and is required.
  • css is an optional style file reference.
  • author is required. It should contain the name or contact info of the author(s).
  • auto_update is set to true if the extension should auto-update when the version of the ST package changes.
  • i18n is an optional object that specifies the supported locales and their corresponding JSON files (see below).

Downloadable extensions are mounted into the /scripts/extensions/third-party folder, so relative imports should be used based on that. Be careful about where you create your extension during development if you plan on installing it from your GitHub which overwrites the content in the third-party folder.

#requires vs optional

  • requires - extension could be installed, but will not be loaded until the user connects to the Extras API that provides all of the specified modules.
  • optional - extension could be installed and will always be loaded, but any of the missing Extras API modules will be highlighted in the "Manage extensions" menu.

To check which modules are currently provided by the connected Extras API, import the modules array from scripts/extensions.js.


#Using getContext

The getContext() function in a SillyTavern global object gives you access to the SillyTavern context, which is a collection of all the main app state objects, useful functions and utilities.

const context = SillyTavern.getContext(); context.chat; // Chat log - MUTABLE context.characters; // Character list context.characterId; // Index of the current character context.groups; // Group list // And many more...

#Importing from other files

Unless you're building a bundled extension, you can import variables and functions from other JS files.

For example, this code snippet will generate a reply from the currently selected API in the background:

import { generateQuietPrompt } from "../../../../script.js"; async function handleMessage(data) { const text = data.message; const translated = await generateQuietPrompt(text); // ... }

#State management

When the extension needs to persist its state, it can use extensionSettings object from the getContext() function to store and retrieve data. An extension can store any JSON-serializable data in the settings object and must use a unique key to avoid conflicts with other extensions.

const { extensionSettings, saveSettingsDebounced } = SillyTavern.getContext(); // Define a unique identifier for your extension const MODULE_NAME = 'my_extension'; // Define default settings const defaultSettings = { enabled: false, option1: 'default', option2: 5 }; // Define a function to get or initialize settings function getSettings() { // Initialize settings if they don't exist if (!extension_settings[MODULE_NAME]) { extension_settings[MODULE_NAME] = structuredClone(defaultSettings); } // Ensure all default keys exist (helpful after updates) for (const key in defaultSettings) { if (extension_settings[MODULE_NAME][key] === undefined) { extension_settings[MODULE_NAME][key] = defaultSettings[key]; } } return extension_settings[MODULE_NAME]; } // Use the settings const settings = getSettings(); settings.option1 = 'new value'; // Save the settings saveSettingsDebounced();


Extensions can provide additional localized strings for use with the t, translate functions and the data-i18n attribute in HTML templates.

See the list of supported locales here (lang key): https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern/blob/release/public/locales/lang.json

#Direct addLocaleData call

Pass a locale code and an object with the translations to the addLocaleData function. Overrides of existing keys are NOT allowed. If the passed locale code is not a currently chosen locale, the data will be silently ignored.

SillyTavern.getContext().addLocaleData('fr-fr', { 'Hello': 'Bonjour' }); SillyTavern.getContext().addLocaleData('de-de', { 'Hello': 'Hallo' });

#Via the extension manifest

Add an i18n object with a list of supported locales and their corresponding JSON file paths (relative to your extension's directory) to the manifest.

{ "display_name": "Foobar", "js": "index.js", // rest of the fields "i18n": { "fr-fr": "i18n/french.json", "de-de": "i18n/german.json" } }

#Registering slash commands (new way)

While registerSlashCommand still exists for backward compatibility, new slash commands should now be registered through SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject() to provide extended details about the command and its parameters to the parser (and in turn to autocomplete and the command help).

SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'repeat', callback: (namedArgs, unnamedArgs) => { return Array(namedArgs.times ?? 5) .fill(unnamedArgs.toString()) .join(isTrueBoolean(namedArgs.space.toString()) ? ' ' : '') ; }, aliases: ['example-command'], returns: 'the repeated text', namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'times', description: 'number of times to repeat the text', typeList: ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, defaultValue: '5', }), SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'space', description: 'whether to separate the texts with a space', typeList: ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN, defaultValue: 'off', enumList: ['on', 'off'], }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'the text to repeat', typeList: ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, isRequired: true, }), ], helpString: ` <div> Repeats the provided text a number of times. </div> <div> <strong>Example:</strong> <ul> <li> <pre><code class="language-stscript">/repeat foo</code></pre> returns "foofoofoofoofoo" </li> <li> <pre><code class="language-stscript">/repeat times=3 space=on bar</code></pre> returns "bar bar bar" </li> </ul> </div> `, }));

All registered commands can be used in STscript in any possible way.

#Listening to event types

Use eventSource.on() to listen for events:

import { eventSource, event_types } from "../../../../script.js"; eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, handleIncomingMessage); function handleIncomingMessage(data) { // Handle message }

The main event types are:


The rest can be found here.

#Do Extras request

The doExtrasFetch() function allows you to make requests to your SillyTavern Extra server.

For example, to call the /api/summarize endpoint:

import { getApiUrl, doExtrasFetch } from "../../extensions.js"; const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/summarize'; const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass', }, body: JSON.stringify({ // Request body }) });

getApiUrl() returns the base URL of the Extras serve.

The doExtrasFetch() function:

  • Adds the Authorization and Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder headers
  • Handles fetching the result
  • Returns the result (the response object)

This makes it easy to call your Extra's API from your plugin.

You can specify:

  • The request method: GET, POST, etc.
  • Additional headers
  • The body for POST requests
  • And any other fetch options