
#What is it?

The Regex extension lets the user automatically detect specific patterns in a string of text (called 'sequences') and apply manipulations (replacements) to them. It can be a powerful tool when used in conjuction with other SillyTavern features such as Quick Replies or STscript, or simply a way to remove certain words from a chat.

This document will not explain the process of writing a RegEx sequence in depth. There are many online resources to assist you with that.


Regex is a built-in extension of SillyTavern, so no additional setup is required.

You may find its settings in the Extensions panel.

#Common Use Cases

RegEx is often used to apply a find-replace function on certain words in the chat, to add markdown styles to certain words or sentence types, or to return a boolean value to an STscript.

#Script List

RegEx Extension Script List
RegEx Extension Script List

  • The buttons at the top are used to make a new script.
    • 'Global' scripts will apply to all characters and will be saved into settings.json.
    • 'Scoped' scripts will only apply to the currently active character, and will be saved into the character card's data.
  • 'Import' lets you import RegEx scripts which were exported from another instance of SillyTavern.

Below this is a list of your scripts with some action buttons.

  • Drag handles (three horizontal bars to the left of the script name) let you drag/drop the scripts into any order you like.
  • Primary on/off switch can be quickly toggled to enable or disable the script without changing anything else. Disabled scripts are shown with strikethrough styling. If a script is disabled here, it will be untriggerable by a Quick Reply or STscript.
  • 'Edit' (pencil) button will open the RegEx script editor.
  • 'Move to scoped' (down arrow) will convert a global script to a scoped script and apply it to the current character. In reverse (up arrow), it would convert a scoped script to global.
  • 'Export' will cause your browser to download an exported .json file of the Script, which can then be shared and imported into another instance of SillyTavern.
  • 'Delete' (trashcan) deletes the script.

#RegEx Editor

RegEx Editor
RegEx Editor

  • Test Mode : This will open a comparison view at the top of the editor. Type some text into the 'Input' box, and the results of your RegEx script will be shown in the Output box. It is a valuable debug tool as it will update the Output box in real time as you make changes to the script settings.

  • Name : The label for the script shown on the extension's script list. This is also used to target the script when triggering it via slash command or STscript.

  • Find Regex : This is the Regular Expression that is used to detect your targeted text pattern. This is usually the most complex part of any RegEx script, and is the easiest place to make mistakes. Refer to the links at the top of the page for information how to write a RegEx sequence. This box can resolve the values of common SillyTavern macros (such as {{user}}, {{char}}, etc) if the 'Macros in Find Regex' is set to do so (see below).

  • Replace With: This is what will replace the matched sequence. In a very simple example, if your 'Find Regex' is apple, and your 'Replace With' is orange, all instances of 'apple' would be automatically changed to 'orange' in any text where the script is applied.

    • Adding the extension-specific macro {{match}} in this box will insert the full matched sequence of text. This is commonly used to apply styles to specific words. Going back to the above example, if **{{match}}** were put into the 'Replace With' box instead, all occurences of the word 'apple' would be replaced with **apple**, which would apply the bold markdown style to it.

    • Variables such as $1, $2, $3 etc can be used to insert what are called 'Capture Groups'. These are substrings located in the text sequence matched by the 'Find Regex' sequence. Note that using these variables requires the matching expression to contain sets of parentheses to define which part of the matched string counts as a captured group. Refer to the links at the top for reference on how to set up Capture Groups.

  • Trim Out : text put in this box will be removed from the matched text sequence before the 'Replace With' process is applied. For example, if our match was 'apple', and the Trim Out box contains 'le', then the letters 'le' would be removed first before the 'Replace With' process is applied. Since our 'Replace With' box contains **{{match}}** it would result in **app** being put in as the replacement for 'apple' (first 'le' is removed, and the remaining matched text is given the bold markdown style). Multiple trims can be applied by adding a newline between each string you want to remove.

  • Affects : This list of checkboxes defines the text sources to which the RegEx script will be applied.

    • 'User Input': script will be run against the contents of the user's typed input after they hit Send.
    • 'AI Response': script will be run against the contents of the AI's response after it is received.
    • 'Slash Commands': script will be run against the values inserted into prompt/chat by slash commands.
    • 'World Info': script will be run on against contents of World Info entries as they are injected into the prompt. Requires 'Alter Outgoing Prompt' to be checked (or both ephemerality boxes to be unchecked).
    • 'Reasoning': script will be run against the contents of the 'reasoning' object returned by Chat Completion API's like Gemini or Deepseek. If 'Alter Outgoing Prompt' is checked under Ephemerality, the script will also be applied to any reasoning blocks that are added into prompt in subsequent chat turns.
    • If everthing here is unchecked the script will never activate during normal chatting, but it can still be activated via slash command or STscript.
  • Other Options :

    • 'Disabled' prevents the script from running. This is used as an override to prevent the script from running when you simply don't want to change any of the script's settings and/or don't want to disable it entirely via the switch on the script list (as doing so would prevent slash commands from triggering it).
    • 'Run on Edit' makes the script also run after a chat message has been edited. If this is unchecked, the contents of edited chat messages will not trigger the script.
  • Macros in Find Regex : Select whether or not to replace macros (such as {{user}}, {{char}}, etc) that are present in the Find Regex box's sequence.

    • 'Don't Substitute' will cause any SillyTavern macros to be ignored so the RegEx script will treat them literally when searching.
    • 'Raw' will send in the value of the macro verbatim. This might alter the way your RegEx script searches the text if the value of the macro contains certain special characters.
    • 'Escaped' will add a RegEx escape slash \ before each character to ensure they do not accidentally alter the overall RegEx sequence. This can be useful if you have certain special characters in the values of the macro.

#Depth Settings

The Min/Max Depth settings provide precise control over which messages in the chat history your regex pattern will affect:

  • Min Depth: Only affects messages that are at least N levels deep in the chat history

    • 0 = last message
    • 1 = second-to-last message
    • etc.
    • When blank (set to 'Unlimited'), or -1, will also affect the message to continue on the Continue action
  • Max Depth: Only affects messages no deeper than N levels in the chat history

    • Must be greater than Min Depth for the regex to apply
    • System prompts and utility prompts are not affected by these settings

For example, setting Min Depth to 0 and Max Depth to 2 would only apply your regex to the three most recent messages in the chat.


By default the Find Regex pattern is case-sensitive and applies only to the first match. To adjust this behavior, as well as other RegEx flags, you can add them like so:


Example: /yourpattern/gi will match all instances of 'yourpattern' in the text, regardless of case.

Some of the most common flags are:

  • i : case-insensitive
  • g : global (applies to all matches, not just the first)
  • s : dotAll (treats the input as a single line, so . will match newlines)
  • m : multi-line (treats the input as multiple lines, so ^ and $ match the start/end of each line, not just the whole string)
  • u : unicode (treats the input as unicode, so \d, \w, etc. will match unicode characters)

For more information on RegEx flags, see the following MDN page: Advanced searching with flags


By default (when neither box here is checked) a RegEx script will directly edit the text values stored inside the chat's JSONL file. This ensures both the outgoing prompt and the chat display will always contain the same values. However, these changes to the chat file are irreversible.

If you do not want this to happen, you can enable either of the checkboxes here to limit the RegEx script's affects to only the display or the outgoing prompt.

If only one of the boxes is checked, there will be no changes made to the chat file, but only the checked item will be changed. This means you will be seeing one thing, but the LLM will be seeing another. Use this carefully.

If both are selected, the script will function as normal in all ways EXCEPT it will not write any changes to the chat file.

#Advanced Use

While RegEx is commonly used as a simple Find/Replace tool, it can also be used in more complex ways.

For example the 'Replace With' box could include a set of CSS rules and HTML to add a specific styled HTML element into your chat whenever a certain word is found. This will require the Show <tags> in responses box to be unchecked in the User Settings panel.

The script can also be set to never trigger during normal use, but could instead be triggered via slash command as part of a logic check inside an STscript. The 'Replace With' box would include a unique value the script recognizes to indicate if a logic check is true or false. This expands the utility of RegEx to the full capabilities of all slash commands, allowing for truly unlimited levels of control and automation based on the contents of the chat.